Monday, November 25, 2019


Australian multi-instrumentalist takes a refreshingly organic approach to ambient, incorporating glockenspiel, zither and more. This album has a desolate, desert aura to it that sets it apart from other outings in their discography, and the riffs in "Green Sugar" demand air-sitar play. Now associated more closely with New Age music than pop, he currently resides and works in Los Angeles. Tags 70s folk progressive rock japan japanese Flintsbach. If Pink Floyd were Japanese, their music might have sounded like this album. Or browse results titled:. Inspired in particular by The Beatles , Tyrannosaurus Rex and Syd Barrett , he dubbed himself as 'Justin Heathcliff' picked for its English-sounding quality and issued his lone eponymous album. osamu kitajima benzaiten

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osamu kitajima benzaiten

You certainly cannot divide all the mentioned stylistic aspects from each other for they were all incorporated in these complex arrangements and homogeneous sound. Benzaiten is world music and ethno sounds with an obvious Japanese origin, meeting progressive rock and psych rock.

Osamu Kitajima

Tags 70s folk progressive rock japan japanese Flintsbach. The sound is warm and vivid, the song structures are wide open and welcome you to slip inside.

The frequency of the arrangements on Benzaiten is reminiscent of what English prog bands kitajma in the early to mid '70s, just with a different ethnical approach.

If you like Benzaiten, you may also like: Retrieved from " https: Benzaiten by Osamu Kitajima.

osamu kitajima benzaiten

Tengu - A Long-Nosed Goblin An adventurous journey through the world from East Asia to West Africa and to the steaming metropolises of the UK and USA is your reward when you put this perfectly produced album onto your turntable. The result is a captivating piece of melodic and deeply atmospheric music that paints pictures of life in ancient Japan into your mind when you lay back, close your eyes and listen closely with your thoughts turned off.

Australian multi-instrumentalist takes a refreshingly organic approach to ambient, kitajim glockenspiel, zither and more. While "Merlins Nose Records" concentrates on Psychedelic Rock, Acid Folk and shamanistic Pagan Folk, we are steadily expanding the musical horizon with several sublabels.

Electronic electronic rockinstrumentalnew-agerock progressive rockpsychedelic rockworld traditional.

OSAMU KITAJIMA - Forced Exposure

Electronic elements in the percussion section add some oddity to the whole musical picture. Released only in Japan, the album became highly prized in collector's circles for its good-natured idiosyncrasy and casual melodicism.

Benzaiten is even a more progressive effort than anything most British bands have ever managed to fabricate and is still utterly natural and vivid concerning the flow of the music. Contact Merlins Nose Label Group. Or browse results titled:. The Japanese influence makes this music unique and still it gets as close to Western rock and pop sounds as it could.

East meets West on bezaiten record and Osamu Kitajima and his companions really grab you by the soul.

osamu kitajima benzaiten

All participating musicians here are professionals and their performances are tight and still benzaiteh. I Love The Artwork. These included remixes for the Warner Bros.

Inhe earned a doctorate in music therapy.

Whoma - Immortality This is the third album by Osamu Kitajima, one of Japan's most prolific artists from benzaitrn ethno rock, world music, and progressive department. This album has a desolate, desert aura to it that sets it apart from other outings in their discography, and the riffs in "Green Sugar" demand air-sitar play.

Benzaiten | Merlins Nose Label Group

Not sure what Osamu Kitajima and his band intended when they recorded this record but I am certain they achieved it. Views Read Edit View history. If you like Benzaiten, you may also like:. Retrieved January 1, After releasing the album, Kitajima has continued to work under his own name.

From Wikipedia, the free bejzaiten. New-age musicians Ambient musicians Japanese male singer-songwriters Living people births Musicians from Kanagawa Prefecture Jingle composers.

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